
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What is up with the teleporter?

The teleporter was created by Dr. Raul Salvidor, a Cuban national, in Panama in 1959.  Dr. Salvidor was a briliant alchemist specializing in physics.  After building forty one of the machines, several attempts to both recruit and assassinate him were made by the US, USSR, and Cuban governments.  Not wanting his creation to be the weapon that turned the cold war hot, Dr. Salvidor gave all but one of his machines to G.O. (who had previously officially declined to aid either side in the cold war) then tragically drank himself to death. 

As for the machines themselves, they consist of a room about the size of a frieght elevator.  They work by using magical energy to essentially bend the laws of physics so that both the teleporter (and its inhabitants) and the target location are existing in the same place, so the when the magic is turned off the teleporter disappears, but its contents are left in the new location.  The teleporter has three major limitations.  First, it cannot be used to retrieve objects from another place.  If the teleporter WAS programmed to attemp to, it would try to retrieve ALL of the matter in the area thereby creating a vortex in the dimentional fabric.  Second, the teleporter cannot teleport into an area that would damage or destroy its machinery for obvious reasons.  Third the teleporter cannot teleport within a ten mile radius of another teleporter.  This goes back to the first limitation, only in the case the vortex is caused by the disonace caused by two machine disrupting spacetime at once. 

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