
Friday, June 24, 2011

Hugh- G.O.'s Main Man

Name: Hugh Doe
            Sex: Male (homunculus)
            Age: Approx 22
            Appearance: About six foot two inches tall weighing approximately one hundred and eighty pounds.  Caucasian with brown eyes and dark brown hair that is medium length and some light five o’clock shadow.  No tattoos or piercings.  Wears green camouflage fatigues, a solid black tee shirt, brown leather construction boots, black leather fingerless gloves with Celtic style crosses studding the knuckles, and mirrored sun glasses.
            Abilities:  Hugh is a homunculus- a being created by alchemy (which is the blending of magic and in this case the science of genetics).  As such he is endowed with super human abilities from the many different types of animal DNA used to create him.

Box Jellyfish- (the Australian variety is shown) Jellyfish are remarkable animals in the fact that all of their cells are so similar that they may as well be the same.  The fact that they are made almost completely of stem cells means that any body parts cells can be used to heal any other injury.  Hugh shares this most miraculous gift of healing. 
Carpenter Ant- (this is the black carpenter ant variety) carpenter ants have among the highest proportional strength of any animal.  This Herculean strength allows Hugh to lift objects up to forty five times his body mass.  In addition, Hugh’s bones are covered with a durable fracture resistant layer similar to an ant’s exoskeleton.  
Common Shrew- The shrew has the fastest intake of nutrients of any mammal.  This fast acting digestion is passed on to Hugh. 
Deep Sea Angler Fish- This fish has some of the best low light vision in the animal kingdom.  Coincidentally, so does Hugh. 
Human DNA- (the North American George Clooney is shown) Hugh’s predominately human DNA is a mix of several elite soldiers, a pair of Olympic athletes (a weight lifter and a tri-athlete), an astrophysicist, two senators, a CIA assassin, and George Clooney.  While this does not give him any special abilities, it does make him strangely attractive.    
Leopard Gecko- This lizard and Hugh share the same remarkable healing prowess. 
Nile Crocodile- This aquatic reptile has an amazingly slow metabolism.  In fact, some crocodiles have been observed to eat only during the great wildebeest migrations, which mean they go more than a year between meals.  While Hugh’s metabolism isn’t that slow, several days without food will have no effect on him.  In addition, under Hugh’s normal epidermis is a thick layer of hide similar to crocodile scales. 
Portuguese Man’o’war- This remarkable animal is actually made up of many symbiotic and self sufficient organisms.  Hugh’s organs function in a similar manner.  While they still work in tandem so that Hugh as a whole can function, they can also be self sufficient in times of stress. 
Spiny Sea Star- Speeds Hugh’s already fast healing rate. 
Trap Door Spider- This arachnid and Hugh’s reflexes both border on the verge of pre-cognition, and are limited only by the speed in which the body is capable of reacting. 
Turkey Vulture- Hugh inherited two things from this bird: the sense of smell and hollow bones.  The powerful sense of smell, which the vulture uses to find prey from distances of up to fifty miles, comes in handy.  The hollow bones do not. 

            Weaponry:  Hugh is known to rely heavily on a pair of .50 caliber pistols, each with a silencer and a red laser sight. While the pistols are intimidating, they are nothing compared to the wide variety of ammunition which Hugh carries for them which includes iron core, armor piercing, incendiary, fragmentary, rock salt, silver, and Teflon coated varieties. 

            Bio:  Hugh was found in a tank inside a lab in New Ireland, Papua New Guinea by a group of US Peace Corps after a series of violent riots about six years before the present day.  He was found as a fully formed adult, and his remarkable healing stops normal aging, so it is hard to measure his age by normal measures.  The members in the Peace Corp unit were in part there to establish schools in the area, so they took him in and gave him an education.  They quickly discovered his remarkable abilities, and they deserted out of fear of what would happen to Hugh if he fell into the hands of their own or any other government.  The government retaliated by sending in an elite wet works team to finish the traitors.  When the shooting stopped, only Hugh was left alive, and he adopted the leader of the unit’s name: Hugh.  Alone and in need of protection, he went straight into the waiting arms of G.O., and due to his abilities he quickly rose through the ranks by taking out the nastiest of the nasty demons and spirits that could not be exorcised through regular means.  Recently G.O. has decided he would be perfect for the first all paranormal strike team. 

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